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Darth Vader: Return of the Handmaidens Favorite Comic Moments!

Darth Vader and Sabé join forces against the enemies of order! But Sabé isn’t the only handmaiden out in these galactic streets! And when you mess with one handmaiden you mess with ’em all!

Commander Sabé! Handmaidens united! Vader runs the tests now! Chaos and order!

Greg Pak takes our sad Sith lord and tosses in plenty of reminders of his former life throughout his daily deadly existence!

Here are my favorite moments!


Direct Action

Vader and Anakin have a lot in common.

Feel. Don’t Think.

When Sidious wants to talk about feelings you know it can’t be good.

Flash Kick

Sabé might have trained with Guile.

Just sayin’…

World Weary

Sabé has been a loyal handmaiden, undercover liberator, Crimson Dawn operative, and Imperial Commander. And she has survived everything along the way. She is forged by every experience and it’s no surprise she isn’t stopping now.



All the Sabé introspection and Vader seeing through her is great stuff.


With Sabé missing her fellow handmaidens come looking for her.

Droid Army of the Undead

Jul Tambor (yeah, that guy’s grandkid) has assembled a droid army to deal with Vader. Oh, that won’t work you say? Well, these droids are all rebuilt droids killed by Vader. And they all share their analysis and data of Vader to exploit weaknesses. Think that’ll work?

Don’t answer if you’ve seen Return of the Jedi

Burning the Past

Flashbacks in this series are nothing new but this one has particularly beautiful art.

Lesser Evil

When Sabé is captured by Jul Tambor the handmaidens must join with Vader to save her.


Choice of One

Sabé must choose.


Or her sisters.

On an amazing splash page.


Does every little girl on Naboo have a bracelet with WWPD on it?

You Had One Job

Ochi really is just a simple being.


While Darth Vader’s stories are usually super dramatic, throwing in Sabé and all the reminders of Padmé makes for some extremely raw emotional moments. The handmaidens are such a wonderful inclusion and seeing what has become of all of them and how they weave into a Darth Vader story decades after we last saw them. Greg Pak keeps the tragedy of Vader’s story at the heart of this arc. Raffaele Ienco has some great art throughout and if you’ve read the other issues from this run you’ll recognize the style. The Luke Ross art really stands out for me. Gorgeous splash panels throughout!

This comic arc is a must-read for Anakin and Padmé fans who want to dig deep into all those affected by Padmé’s loss.

What was your favorite moment?

  • Sal P.

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